Your body is constantly giving you signs and signals and trying to communicate with you. For example, when you experience symptoms like mood swings, cramps, sore breasts, irregular periods, or breakouts, your body is sending you a clear message that something is out of balance.
Your hormones are involved in every aspect of your mental, physical and emotional health.
They help to regulate your:
metabolism and appetite
reproductive cycles and sexual function
mood and stress levels
heart rate
sleep cycles
body temperature
general growth and development
Whilst it is normal for our hormones to fluctuate throughout our life, they can also be affected by our diet, lifestyle and external factors.
If one hormone is out of balance, it can throw off the entire show!
Some symptoms related to hormone imbalance have become increasingly common and, unfortunately, sometimes even considered "normal" or "part of being a woman"!
Well, let me tell you that is absolutely unacceptable!
It is your birthright to have optimal hormone health, healthy menstrual cycles and beautiful pain-free periods. I would love to help you reconnect with your body's rhythm, find balance and reclaim your life, free of symptoms! If any of this resonates with you, please get in touch!
Do any of these sound like the "norm" to you?
weight gain
breast tenderness
mood swings
irregular, light, heavy or painful periods
headaches or migraines
increased hair loss or hair growth on the face, neck, chest or back
chronic acne
night sweats or hot flashes
sleep problems or insomnia
low libido
vaginal dryness
indigestion, bloating, constipation, diarrhea
changes in appetite
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
Take my FREE QUIZ to find out which Hormone Imbalance you might have
I know it's tempting to take a pill or do some other quick fixes to deal with these symptoms, but unfortunately, these band-aid solutions don't address the root cause of the imbalance.
When you learn how to become a detective of your symptoms, you'll better understand what your hormones are trying to tell you. It will become easier to identify the hormones that are likely out of balance, get to the root cause and start healing and restoring the balance holistically.
Some of the most common causes of hormone imbalance are:
chronic stress
lack of good quality sleep
poor diet and nutrition
hormone-disrupting food + drinks (sugar, refined carbs, processed foods, coffee, alcohol, etc.)
blood sugar imbalance (overeating, skipping meals, dieting, too much sugar, bad carbs, caffeine, etc.)
being overweight
lack of exercise
thyroid issues
compromised gut health (food sensitivities, digestive issues, weight changes, fatigue, skin irritation, autoimmune conditions, etc.)
medications (oral contraceptives, hormone drugs, antibiotics, over the counter + prescription meds, etc.)
exposure to toxins, pollutants and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (plastics, food packaging, personal care and beauty products, fragrances, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc.)
an overtaxed, sluggish liver
elevated inflammation
an existing medical condition (PCOS, early menopause, cancer, diabetes, eating disorders, autoimmune disease, etc.)
chemotherapy and radiation
When it comes to health conditions associated with hormone imbalance, it's sometimes hard to know whether the imbalance caused the condition, or the condition caused the hormone imbalance…it's a case of what came first, the chicken or the egg!?
Symptoms can lead to more severe health conditions like:
Diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, adrenal fatigue, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, early onset of perimenopause and menopause, cancer, autoimmune disease, heart disease and other health problems.
That's why it is so important to be aware of any symptoms, so you can get the necessary tests done and find out which hormones and body functions are out of balance.
Hormone balance is deeply connected to our environment, lifestyle and the food we eat.
Restoring hormone balance involves:
eating a hormone-balancing diet
taking care of your stress levels
engaging in regular exercise
getting enough rest
liver detoxification
restoring your gut health
lifestyle and emotional wellbeing
weight management
If you suspect you have a hormone imbalance and would like more in-depth information, you can visit your health care provider (Naturopathic Physician or Functional Medicine Practitioner) to request a blood test that looks at your hormones (Hormone Panel and Thyroid Panel). This will give you a good idea of what's going on and where to start.
Balancing your hormones takes time and can feel overwhelming or discouraging when you do not see any results, but this is where I come in!
As a Holistic Health Coach, I can help you uncover what's causing your hormone imbalance and support you with diet and lifestyle changes to alleviate your symptoms and restore balance so you can look and feel like the goddess that you are!
GET IN TOUCH to find out how we can work together to improve your hormone health or schedule a FREE INTRODUCTION CALL HERE.
Love x Mila*